Week four Devotional
(february 10 - 16)
Reading: Psalms 23
Key Verse: Psalms 23:1 - “The LORD is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.”
It’s easy to find rest when the waters of life are calm, but what about when they’re troubled? What happens when we seem surrounded by the enemies of anxiety, busyness, sickness, distraction, or division?
David puts words to the concept of rest in the midst of chaos in Psalm 23. God offers a table to us, a place of rest, renewal and community, in the presence of our enemies. As you reflect, can you name some enemies that have felt present lately?
Because God extends an invitation and not an order, we have a choice – to remain in the fight, or to step off the battlefield and take a seat at His table – a place of relationship and communion with Jesus. While we make time to get closer to Him, He is able to fight our battles for us.
As you meditate on these verses each day, find some time to just sit with God. Get to know His thoughts. Answer His invitation to find deeper relationship and communion with Him, as He brings victory over the enemies of your soul.
Personal: Declare the truth of God’s Word over your life – that no matter what you face, “I will not fear, for you are with me.”
Bethesda: Wherever God leads us, let’s remember, everything we need is available to us - we serve the Good Shepherd.
Suggested Song: Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone) by People & Songs