At Bethesda, we love to celebrate the gift of new life! And the practice of Child Dedication is a vital part of who we are.

As parents, you have the opportunity to stand in front of your church family and make a public commitment before God that you will, through words and example, provide every opportunity for your child to know and experience what it means to follow Jesus.

The following Bible verses help illustrate the importance of child dedication.

1 Samuel 1:27–28 | Psalm 32:8 | Matthew 19:14-15 | Mark 10:15-16 

If you are interested in having your child(ren) dedicated at Bethesda, please find the request form below, along with some additional information.



  • Child Dedications usually happen during our Sunday morning worship gatherings. However, there is the option of having a private child dedication ceremony. You can find more information on that option below.

    Included in our child dedication ceremony is a parental promise (please find additional details on this below). This is where you, as parents, present your child(ren) and yourselves to God. You are committing yourselves to faithfully fulfilling your parental responsibilities. This is followed by a church promise, where the church family at Bethesda also commits to prayerfully supporting you as parents and encouraging your child(ren) as they grow.

    We conclude with a prayer for you and your family. And we present you with a small gift and certificate to commemorate this special occasion.

    Typically, only the child(ren) and parent(s) of the child(ren) will be on the platform for the ceremony. In the case of a single parent or in other special circumstances, you may request another family member to stand with you on the platform. Please contact our Church Office and let them know in advance.

    All other family and friends are welcome to attend and watch along with the congregation.

    You can find examples of previous child dedications here (beginning at 14:12) and here (beginning at 14:11).

  • During the parental promise portion of the dedication, parents of the child(ren) will be asked to respond with "we will" to statements similar to the ones listed below:

    •    Do you now dedicate your child to the Lord who gave her/him to you, in the hope that she/he will know and love God?

    •    Do you pledge as parents that, you will bring up your child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, making every reasonable effort, with patience and love, to build the Word of God, the character of Christ and the joy of the Lord into her/his life?

    •    Do you promise to provide, through God’s blessing and wisdom, for the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs of your child?

    •    Do you promise to try to the best of your ability to shape the home life of your child, both by family devotions and by your words and your example, that she/he will, at the proper age most naturally come to an open confession of Christ, and into the fellowship and service of the church?

    Please prayerfully consider your responses to these important questions as you make the decision to dedicate your child before the Lord. If you feel confident in your "yes" to these questions, we would love for your family to go through the process of child dedication.

  • That is a personal decision! There is no specific age for child dedication. Most typically, children being dedicated are within 0-3 years of age. But we would love to dedicate your child(ren), no matter their age.

    What truly matters is what the act of child dedication signifies. It is an important step in your family’s faith life because it is a public declaration that your family will be committed to being known as followers Jesus.

  • Yes! If you would prefer a private child dedication ceremony, please indicate that when you go to fill out your request form.

    Private ceremonies are usually held on Sundays (immediately following the 11 AM worship gathering) or on Tuesdays. Please indicate which day you prefer on your request form.

    The ceremony itself looks almost identical to the one that would take place on a Sunday morning. For more information on what the ceremony includes, see the "What does a Child Dedication Look Like?" question above.

  • At Bethesda, we offer child dedication instead of child baptism or christening. We view the act of water baptism as a reflection of an individual’s decision to follow Jesus. This is why we wait to baptize children until they are old enough to understand and believe for themselves.

    Learn more about water baptism here.

  • Child dedication is a beautiful step for your family, but it is not the same as salvation. Salvation is what happens when your child decides, on their own, to begin a relationship with God. When you choose to dedicate your child(ren), you are committing to make parenting decisions that honour God and to raising your child(ren) in an home where they hear about Jesus and have an opportunity to accept Him.



Please fill out the Child Dedication Request Form below to get started. And our church office will follow up with next steps.

By submitting your request form, you are indicating your agreement with what we understand to be the purpose and intent of child dedication, as well as the logistical requirements.

Please note that the first Sunday of every month is not available for child dedications.