Building Needs Assessment & Prayer

Bethesda is growing! On Sunday, June 25th, Pastor Bruce announced that we are forming a building needs assessment team that will engage the various ministries, leaders, and pastors to analyze the current challenges in this building and dream for what our future could look like. What is even more important is that we commit to praying for whatever God has in store.

In September, we will begin setting aside time for us to come together and pray as the body. We are calling this Fellowship Prayer. It will be a time of worship, celebration, and specific prayers as we seek the Lord for Bethesda’s future.

Also, the pastors, and board have been rallying around three themes that have emerged during this season of faith and vision. Those themes are clarity – unity – faith. They will be the guiding principles for our fellowship prayer times in September. We want to introduce them to you and invite you to partner with us by reading the scriptures and praying for the selected prayer focusses as we lead up to our fellowship prayer times in September. Click here to access the devotionals.